Aug 26, 2010

Weak copyright law is good for human progress: case of Germany

Review in Der Spiegel by Frank Thadeusz: No Copyright Law. The Real Reason for Germany's Industrial Expansion? based on Eckhard Höffner study of this subject. (Russian translation: Отсутствие копирайта способствовало технологической революции в Германии 19 века).

Matthew Lasar article in ArsTechnica Did weak copyright laws help Germany outpace the British Empire?

P. S. (28.08.2010): Копирайт и патенты в существуюшем виде - зло, они должны быть упразднены. Разрушены как Карфаген. С нетерпением жду резултатов этих двух процессов: Соучредитель Microsoft судит гигантов Кремниевой долины; Действия Oracle — это нейтронная бомба в лагерь Open Source. Попкорном запасся.

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Aug 16, 2010

Potentiality of carbon capture in San Andres forest communities is the longest projects I ever participated. Five years after it's beginnig, still I should develop something related to it, though generally this project was not a successful one. Читать дальше......

Aug 8, 2010

The God delusion by R. Dawkins

The God delusion by Richard Dawkins is only comparable with Friedrich Nietzsche's The Antichrist by it's criticism power. We need such books to completely exterminate religions in our World. Humanity will not survive with religious mind aberrations dominating in societies, influencing our decisions, politics and history. Such books appear to be our only hope to combat with irrational archaic beliefs. Читать дальше......