Mar 17, 2013

Paleobathymetry data preparation How-To

You can download Dietmar Muller & Maria Seton (2008) data on paleobathymetry and oceanic crust age during last 140 Ma at

1. Extract contents of age_depth_bath_0.bz2 with any suitable archivier (like 7-zip).

2. Using Open Source tool set GMT (General Mapping Tools, ver. 4.5.9 64-bits (Windows 8) to process data.
Set table data delimiter:
gmtset.exe FIELD_DELIMITER=,

Extract three columns of data from table to make XYZ format ASCII file:
gmtconvert.exe age_depth_bath_0.xyadb -F0,1,2 -V > age_0.csv
Fore some reason, xyz2grd produce inverse projected grid (south-north is switched), so it is necessary to make nagative values of latitude in table:
gmtmath.exe -C1 -V age_0.csv NEG = age_0i.csv
Convert to netCDF grid of floating point values:
xyz2grd.exe age_0i.csv -Gage_0.flt=nf -N0 -Rd -I0.1 -V

Add header to this grid:
File age_0.hdr
ncols 3601
nrows 1801
xllcorner -198
yllcorner -90
cellsize 0.1
nodata_value 0

3. Open in GIS application, set projection (geographic with datum WGS-1984), save in suitable format (GeoTiff), calculate statistics and pyramid layers.

For bathymetry data estract firth column instead of third from original table.
gmtconvert.exe age_depth_bath_0.xyadb -F0,1,2 -V > age_0.csv
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Mar 11, 2013

Ponencia sobre Cambio Climático en cine-foro estudiantil, CUCBA, Universidad de Guadalajara.

pinencia en PDF

Bibliografia selecta:

  • Adams. 2008. Vegetation-climate interactions. How plants make the global environment. 2nd ed. Springer. Praxis Publishing. 266 pp.
  • Cox & Jones. 2008.  Illuminating the modern dance of climate and CO2. Science 321: 1642-1644.
  • Friedman (ed.) 2009. Climate change .  Writing the critical essay, an opposing viewpoints guide. Gale. Cengage Learning.  128 pp.
  • Gornitz (ed.) 2009. Encyclopedia of paleoclimatology & ancient environments. Springer Science, Business Media B. V. 1048 pp.
  • Hansen et al. 2008. Target atmospheric CO2: where should humanity aim? The Open Atmospheric Science Journal 2: 217-231.
  • Huntingford et al. 2013. Simulated resilience of tropical rainforest to CO2-induced climate change. Nature Geoscience doi:10.1038/ngeo1741
  • IPCC. 2007. Climate Change 2007. The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M. Tignor and H.L. Miller (eds.). Cambridge University Press.  996 pp.
  • Kiehl. 2011. Lessons from Earth´s past. Science 331: 158-159.
  • Marcott et al. 2013. A reconstruction of regional and global temperature for the past  11,300 years. Science 339: 1198-1201.
  • Melles et al. 2012. 2.8 millions years of Arctic climate change from lake El’Gygytgyn, NE Russia. Science 337: 315-320.
  • Severinghaus et al. 2009. Oxygen-18 of O2 records the impact of abrupt climate change on the terrestral biosphere. Science 324: 1431-1434.
  • Steffenson et al. 2008. High-resolution Greenland ice core data show abrupt climate change happens in few years. Science 321: 680-683.

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