Dec 20, 2020

Pandemia en Jalisco

Para los interesados en avance de la pandemia: graficas incidencia diaria de COVID-19 por 100 mil habitantes en los municipios más afectados de Jalisco, por fecha de presentación de síntomas. Forma de curva durante los finales de noviembre y principios de diciembre no refleja situación real por el retrazo en registro y confirmación de casos. Figura parte del trabajo de su servidor para la Plataforma Económica de Jalisco COVID-19 

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Dec 2, 2020

Google Certified Educator Level 1
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Sep 2, 2020

The following seems to be specially true the year when you need to answer at least ten students e-mail requiests a day, and this is just at the begining of the term...
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Algunos certificados de cursos tomados en 2020 por medio de Coursera

Presumiendo algunos certificados que gane recientemente en Coursera
Protists: Evolution and Ecology of Microbial Evolution @ University of Saint Petersburg, Febrero 2020    Verificar

Emergence of Life @ University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Agosto 2020  Verificar

Developing the SIR Model @ Imperial College London, Agosto 2020 Verificar

Write Professional Emails in English @ Georgia Institute of Technology, January 2020   Verificar

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Apr 13, 2020

On Zizek's Pandemic!

New Slavoj Zizek book Pandemic! seems prophetic for the new reality that could emerge after the COVID-19 catastrophy ends.

Just one representative fragment:

Hegel wrote that the only thing we can learn from history is that we learn nothing from history, so I doubt the epidemic will make us any wiser. The only thing that is clear is that the virus will shatter the very foundations of our lives, causing not only an immense amount of suffering but also economic havoc conceivably worse than the Great Recession. There is no return to normal, the new “normal” will have to be constructed on the ruins of our old lives, or we will find ourselves in a new barbarism whose signs are already clearly discernible. It will not be enough to treat the epidemic as an unfortunate accident, to get rid of its consequences and return to the smooth functioning of the old way of doing things, with perhaps some adjustments to our healthcare arrangements. We will have to raise the key question: What is wrong with our system that we were caught unprepared by the catastrophe despite scientists warning us about it for years? (Zizek, 2020: 3-4)

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