Feb 16, 2019

Extraordinary interview of R. McNamee on core social networking issues

Roger McNamee: ‘It’s bigger than Facebook. This is a problem with the entire industry’ @ The Guardian

So that’s when I decided I’d better figure out exactly what happened. I met Tristan Harris, a design ethicist from Google, who talked about what he called “brain hacking”, a term that he invented to describe the persuasive technologies used by internet platforms that enable them to develop habits in the minds of the people who use the products. Those habits evolve into addictions, and that situation makes [users] vulnerable to manipulation.
They were very much in the business of manipulating attention in order to get you to spend more time on [their services]. And that is a very dangerous business model for society. It’s bad for the mental health of the people who use it. It’s terrible for democracy. It’s completely destroyed any sense of privacy, and it’s undermined entrepreneurship in the United States [...]
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